Box 180
Contains 568 Results:
Note about phone call from A. S. Van Denburgh, 1951 November 9
Note about phone call from A. S. Van Denburgh from Mary A. Givens, Assistant to Fiske Kimball, Director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Note about A. S. Van Denburgh, 1951 November
Note about A. S. Van Denburgh from Mary A. Givens, Assistant to Fiske Kimball, Director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Correspondence from Fiske Kimball to Walter Arensberg, 1951 October 1
Correspondence from Fiske Kimball, Director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, to Walter Arensberg.
Correspondence from Fiske Kimball to Walter Arensberg, 1951 October 1
Correspondence from Fiske Kimball, Director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, to Walter Arensberg [copy].
Correspondence from Walter Arensberg to Fiske Kimball, 1951 September 26
Correspondence from Walter Arensberg to Fiske Kimball, Director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Correspondence from Walter Arensberg to Fiske Kimball, 1951 September 5
Correspondence from Walter Arensberg to Fiske Kimball, Director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Correspondence from Walter Arensberg to Fiske Kimball, 1951 August 20
Correspondence from Walter Arensberg to Fiske Kimball, Director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art [copy].
Correspondence from Henri Marceau to Walter Arensberg, 1951 September 7
Correspondence from Henri Marceau, Associate Director for the Philadelphia Museum of Art, to Walter Arensberg.