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Names and subjects, 1968-2012, undated


Scope and Contents

Much of the correspondence throughout the entire subseries is a general exchange of pleasantries. From the number of handwritten notes, d'Harnoncourt truly enjoyed sharing items of interest with friends and colleagues, supplementing her observations with enclosures of magazine articles, newspaper clippings, exhibition catalogues or other PMA publications. She also made monetary contributions to a number and variety of organizations. In addition to... thanks from recipients of d'Harnoncourt's largesse, many visitors to PMA would write of their delight over a particular exhibition or their appreciation of d'Harnoncourt taking the time to meet with them.

Throughout her career, d'Harnoncourt regularly received invitations to speak at special events, participate in symposiums or other professional venue, contribute to scholarly publications or sit for interviews. Her responses to those she could not accommodate are filed in the general alphabetical folders by corporate name, except those from 1996 to 1998. The latter are filed separately as "Various. Regretted request," and no doubt reflect the filing habits of her assistant at that time. Folder titles beginning with "Various" indicate multiple authors or in the case of the "Henry Luce Foundation matching gift" files, multiple recipients. As a director of the Foundation's board, d'Harnoncourt would make donations to institutions of her choosing, and the Foundation would match the amount.

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  • 1968-2012, undated

Conditions Governing Access

Sub-subseries comprised of papers dated after 1999 adhere to the 15-year period of closure described at the collection level.


From the Series: 5.25 linear feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Most of these papers were filed by year only. The decision to arrange material alphabetically within the four date spans was made during processing. This arrangement is intended to give researchers a better understanding of individuals or institutions that frequently corresponded with d'Harnoncourt and in whose activities or information she took a personal interest. Items are arranged alphabetically by corporate, rather than individual, name unless the institutional affiliation is unclear. Separate folders have been created for any name represented with 10 or more items or for noteworthy names of individuals or institutions.


Repository Details

Part of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Library and Archives Repository

Philadelphia Museum of Art
PO Box 7646
Philadelphia PA 19101-7646 United States